Yellow Bus
Placement in a G&T program does not guarantee school bus service.
Transportation for G&T programs follows the same rules as the rest of general education. In particular, if you live in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, or certain parts of Queens, school bus transportation will not be available, but the DOE will provide your child with a MetroCard. If you live in parts of Queens, the DOE will use the table below to determine whether or not your child gets free transportation.
If your child’s grade and distance from school falls into a box above for “Either Yellow Bus or MetroCard” category, your child will get a yellow school bus if:
1. The school has applied to the Office of Pupil Transportation for yellow bus service;
2. The student lives in the same district as the school; and
3. The DOE can reach the student and at least 10 other students on a bus route that does not exceed 5 miles in length.
Eligible students who do not meet these criteria get a MetroCard. This means that an eligible kindergartener will get a MetroCard if he/she goes to school in another district or lives so far from the school that the DOE cannot create an 11 person/5-mile bus route. For additional information about transportation eligibility, please visit: Office of Pupil Transportation or call: 718.392.8855
Public Transportation
The 30th Avenue School's P.S. 17 campus is located in Astoria, Queens near the "N/Q" 30th Avenue station. We are also nearby the Q18 and Q102 bus stops.
Private Bus
Students who are not eligible for a public bus may be able to sign up for Private Busing, which is coordinated by volunteer parents and is not managed or administered by the PTA. For detailed information on the private bus, including current routes and FAQs, please visit the PTA website at As well, please email the private bus email account for more information:
Yellow Bus and Metro Card
Students in middle school are provided with MetroCards if they live 1-1⁄2 miles or more from school. If they live closer than that but more than 1⁄2 mile from school, a half-fare MTA bus pass is available on request from their school. With the rising 5th grade, there may be a yellow bus provided by OPT for 5th and 6th graders.
This is dependent on number of students in an eligible route. Please contact school secretary Effie Skorides for more information at
Public Transportation
Our middle school students are sited at the I.S. 126 campus, located several blocks from the "N/Q" Broadway station, but close to Q69, Q100, and Q104 bus stops. Please view maps on the "Locations" page of this website.
Private Bus
Students who are not eligible for a public bus may be able to sign up for Private Busing, which is coordinated by volunteer parents and is not managed or administered by the PTA. For detailed information on the private bus, including current routes and FAQs, please visit the PTA website at As well, please email the private bus email account for more information: