Attendance Policy


Attendance Policy

Every Student, Every Day

Dear P.S. 354 Families,

While this year will look different than any year we have ever known, we are sure it will be great. Whether remote or in the school building, the classroom is a better place when your child is there. 

As we continue to navigate this blended learning environment, we are excited to share our school’s Every Student, Every Day Attendance Policy and Plan. This policy and plan will hopefully provide you with the information and guidance you need to help you help your child attend and stay in school.

If you send your child to school on the wrong day, you will receive a call from Ms. Tomblin to pick them up immediately. They will not be sent to class. This is a safety measure to keep all students and staff safe.


Modality Blended In-Person Blended Remote Full Remote
Present Student is physically present in the classroom/school learning environment for instruction during the scheduled school day. Student has logged in for live office hours with the teacher OR has completed at least 75% of their assigned asynchronous work for the day by 2:00pm. Student is virtually present
for synchronous
instruction OR has
completed at least 75% of
their assigned
asynchronous work for the
day by 2:00pm.
Absent Student is not physically present in the classroom school learning environment for instruction during the scheduled school day. Student has not logged in for live office hours AND has not completed at least 75% of their assigned asynchronous work for the day. Student is not virtually present for synchronous instruction AND has not completed at least 75% of their assigned work for the day.


  1. Synchronous instruction is defined as live interaction between the teacher and student(s) each day at a scheduled time, communicated in advance to parents and students. For more information please contact the school. 
  2. Asynchronous learning refers to instruction and learning opportunities that do not feature students and teachers interacting at the same time. For more information please contact the school.



Our school uses the following methods to communicate with families about attendance: Parent letters in Pupil Path and Operoo, emails, text messages, google classroom announcements. It is very important for the school to have families’ up-to-date contact information. To make sure we can reach you, please alert us of any changes to your address or phone number by updating your blue card information in Operoo


If you know your child is going to miss school on a certain day or will be missing school for an extended period of time, please notify the school in advance by contacting the teacher. If you cannot reach the teacher, please contact the main office.

If you know in advance that your child will be absent, notifying us will give the teacher time to provide your child with work that they will be missing on that specific day. While every single absence is equal to missed instructional time, we nonetheless mark absences as excused and unexcused. Please provide us with information on the reason for your child’s absence. Here is what you need to know regarding excused and unexcused absences:

  • Excused absence: Absences may be excused for reasons including illness or injury, religious observation, or pre-arranged appointment.
  • Unexcused absence: Too little or no information is provided


If a student is late, they are marked late for the day. If you know your child is going to be late on a certain day—whether in remote or in-person—please notify your child’s teacher or the main office.

Just as with absences, we flag lateness as excused and unexcused. Here is what you need to know regarding excused and unexcused lateness:

  • Excused lateness: Lateness may be considered excused for the same reasons as an excused absence. Additionally, lateness may be excused due to school bus delays.
  • Unexcused lateness: Too little or no information is provided.


If your child arrives at school for in-person instruction on a day that they are scheduled for remote learning, we will notify you immediately by contacting you using the information you provided on your blue emergency card. Parents or guardians or designated points of contact will be asked to pick up their child, or if written permission has been provided, they will be sent home independently. If your child is sent home, they will be marked as absent from their remote learning for the day unless they are able to complete at least 75% of the work assigned for that day.


If your child is scheduled for in-person instruction but completes remote work instead of coming to the school building for the day, they will be marked absent. If you have any questions please email .


The P.S. 354 Attendance Team


School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates

attendance matters

From the Department of Education

How do students do well in school? They go every day! Students may miss school for illness, emergencies, or for religious reasons, but we want to see every student in school every day. Did you know that a student with 90% attendance has missed one month of school by the end of the year? Students with less than 90% attendance are more likely to have lower test scores and not graduate from high school.



attendance matters 2


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